How Did I Do On My 2014 Reading Resolutions?

Hi friends! 2014 is almost over (less than 7 more hours for me in Maryland!). Yesterday I shared my reading goals for 2015. Today I thought I’d re-list my 2014 goals and see how I did accomplishing them. Some I completed. Other’s I struggled with. Even though I didn’t complete every item on the list, I’m still really proud of myself.  Continue reading “How Did I Do On My 2014 Reading Resolutions?”

Top 10 Bookish Resolutions for 2015


I have two big resolutions for 2015. The first is to write every day. It might just be a sentence or a section I reread out loud to see how it sounds, but I really want to try to interact with my fiction writing every day of 2015. We’ll see how it goes. My second resolution, which is more personal, is to stop not doing nice things for people because I’m nervous or embarrassed about it. Too often I don’t give someone a compliment or write them a letter or whatever because I think to myself What if that is totally embarrassing. Hopefully that will end in 2015.

So now that I’ve got those out of the way, here are ten things I hope to accomplish in my reading and book blogging this year. These goals are secondary to to what I wrote above, but I still hope to cross at least some of them off the list.  Continue reading “Top 10 Bookish Resolutions for 2015”

Marry, Date or Dump: We Were Liars

Silhouettes of people jumping in ocean

I chose one of my favorite books from this year for today’s marry, date or dump. Instead of giving three options, you can choose between all four liars: Gat, Cadence, Johnny, and Mirren. To give everyone a little background/reminder of who is who from the book: Continue reading “Marry, Date or Dump: We Were Liars”

Merry Christmas


“And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow stood puzzling and puzzling, how could if be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ’til his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

– Dr. Seuss, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas! 

Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing This Year


I’m honestly not sure what Santa is bringing, because I totally forgot to make a list this year, but here are a few books (out of a long long long list of books I’d be happy to see by my stocking Thursday morning) that I definitely wouldn’t mind Santa bringing. If any of you have read these books I’d love to know your thoughts. I’d also love to read what book(s) you are hoping to find under the tree Christmas morning … if you celebrate Christmas, which I realize not everyone does. Continue reading “Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing This Year”

Marry, Date or Dump: Frosty, Rudolph, and Hermey the Elf


Only three more days until Christmas … or as we call it in my house Christmas Eve Eve Eve. This week you can choose between three of my favorite Christmas characters to marry, date or dump. There are a lot of pros and cons in this group. For example, Frosty the snowman is a holly jolly soul, but you couldn’t exactly take him on a beach vacation. If you married Hermey you would get free dental work, but his high-pitched voice might get tiring after awhile. Rudolph’s glowing nose could make it hard to sleep in the same room. I’m excited to see how you all weigh these pros and cons to make your decisions!  Continue reading “Marry, Date or Dump: Frosty, Rudolph, and Hermey the Elf”

Book Review: My True Love Gave to Me, edited by Stephanie Perkins

20309175 (2)I can’t imagine liking young adult books and not being excited about My True Love Gave to Me, edited by Stephanie Perkins. This is not just because the book contains everything really good YA has- diversity, genuine and relatable emotions, snappy dialogue, and lots of swoon-worthy kissing. Mostly I just can’t imagine that anyone who reads young adult books doesn’t have at least one favorite author among the writers Perkins gathered together to create these twelve holiday stories. For me those favorites were Rainbow Rowell, David Levithan, Jenny Han, and Stephanie Perkins herself. But after reading all of these stories at least twice, and several of them several more times than that, I have lots of new-to-me YA authors I can’t wait to read more from. Seriously, what’s most shocking about this collection is that there are no weak link stories in the book. Each one is fun and thought provoking in its own way. Reading the stories for the first time one after another on the subway made my subway rides this winter the most fun they’ve been since I moved to New York.  Continue reading “Book Review: My True Love Gave to Me, edited by Stephanie Perkins”

The Gif Book Tag


I was tagged by Stefani at Caught Read Handed last week, but had to wait until I had a little time to search out gifs for all the books on her list. Honestly, I don’t often do these types of things, but this challenge looked so fun that I couldn’t resist. Here’s how the game works: The person who tags you gives you a list of ten books. Then you respond with one sentence and one gif to show how you feel about each book. Then you tag other people and leave a list of ten books for them. Continue reading “The Gif Book Tag”