Halloween Marry, Date or Dump: Dr. Frankenstein, Dracula, and Dr. Jekyll


Happy Friday before Halloween! I hope some of you have some spooky plans this weekend! In honor of the holiday, for this marry, date or dump I chose characters from three scary (but not too scary) books. We’ve got Dr. Frankenstein – not to be confused with Frankenstein’s monster- from Mary Shelley’s classic. We’ve got Dracula, and then we’ve got Dr. Jekyll. In the comments say who you would marry, who you would date, and who you would dump.  Continue reading “Halloween Marry, Date or Dump: Dr. Frankenstein, Dracula, and Dr. Jekyll”

Double Book Review: Arrows, by Melissa Gorzelanczyk, & The Romantics, by Leah Konen

screen-shot-2016-10-27-at-9-48-52-amReviewing these two books would probably be more appropriate around Valentine’s Day than a few days before Halloween (although if you are looking for something spooky this weekend maybe check out The Graces by Laure Eve). Still, after reading both Arrows and The Romantics this month, I knew I’d review them together. From the covers (blue featuring hearts and Cupid’s arrow) to the unique narraters (you’ll see), there is a lot, a lot these books have in common. Both books also take on the theme of love in pretty intense ways. They go beyond romance stories to examine questions of what love is. These similarities only make the differences feel more stark. So let’s dive into these two love-filled, YA romances.  Continue reading “Double Book Review: Arrows, by Melissa Gorzelanczyk, & The Romantics, by Leah Konen”

Top Ten Book-Themed Costume Parties I’d Like to Throw


Halloween is all about the costumes for me. I don’t like chocolate (it’s pretty much my least favorite taste), and am not the biggest candy fan. Over the last two years I’ve talked about book characters I’d want to dress up as and characters I’d want to invited to a costume party. This year, I thought I might be stumped. Then I imagined throwing a costume party where everyone had to come dressed like the characters in a just one book/series/etc. Thus this week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic was formed. Here are the top ten book-themed costume parties I’d like to throw, also known as Alison’s new bucket list. Continue reading “Top Ten Book-Themed Costume Parties I’d Like to Throw”

Ten Characters I’d Name My Children After


I LOVE baby names. Seriously, as a kid I would ask Santa for baby name books to peruse. And, as you all know, I love books. So this was pretty much my favorite Top Ten Tuesday topic ever. Keep in mind that my children at this point are as fictional as the stories that inspired these names, but here are a few favorite character-inspired name I’ve been mulling today: Continue reading “Ten Characters I’d Name My Children After”

Marry Date or Dump: Pride and Prejudice


Happy Monday, friends! Over the last five feverish, ouchy-throated days I have, of course, watched both Pride and Prejudice adaptations. So I’ve got Jane Austen on the brain! I’ve done a lot of Austen combinations in past Marry Date or Dumps, but I don’t think I’ve done this one. This is frankly shocking because I think about it a lot. We’ve got Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, and Colonel Fitzwilliam. At first, it seems pretty straight forward. But people can have very different, very strident opinions when it comes to these men. One of my favorite English teachers in high school strongly felt that Colonel Fitzwilliam was the best man of the bunch. Let me know who you’d pick by writing who you’d marry, who you’d date, and who you’d dump in the comments! Continue reading “Marry Date or Dump: Pride and Prejudice”

Writing & Being Sick


On Tuesday, I had my best writing day in months. Not only was I moving through lots of edits/critiques from my critique partner, but I was back in love with my story and in love with the process of actually writing. Amazing! I parceled out a plan to finish the draft within the week or so. Then Wednesday hit with a high fever and a wicked sore throat. Lately, I’m worried this blog has become a bit of a wambulance. But, I guess this is a good lesson in patience and that I’m not (and never will be) totally in control.

I’ve been sick this year more than any other. My last two cold/flu guys have come during big writing weeks for me. During one, in thesis semester, I pushed through so I wouldn’t have to give money to this guy. I ended up writing everyone’s favorite scene (and one of the only ones I didn’t have to edit) in a fever haze. Right now, I’m feeling a little too fuzzy to get much writing done. Instead, I’m reading through a friend’s WIP and catching up on other reading. Also drinking plenty of fluids, Mom!

Hope you all are having more productive and more healthful weeks than yours truly!

Top Ten Books Recommended By Bloggers


I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years. I really can’t believe it! The best part is definitely the relationships I’ve made with other bloggers…and the books I’ve been turned on to because of the book blog world. These are some of my favorites from bloggers (also vloggers & podcasters if we’re being precise!). Thanks for all the amazing recommendations. Continue reading “Top Ten Books Recommended By Bloggers”

Don’t Create a False Equivalency between the Donald Trump Video & Fifty Shades of Grey


Mostly, I write about young adult books. I read them. I write them. I love them, and I love to blog about them. But sometimes I feel so GRRRRR about something, that I have to vent. I don’t think it’s will be a surprise to most of my few readers that I’m supporting Hillary in the upcoming election. In fact, I used the threat of Donald Trump to motivate me through writing my third draft/masters thesis last semester. It was incredibly effective. Smarter, more expert people have been talking about the vile audio recording of Trump released on Friday. I don’t need to add my two cents in about that one. But when Fifty Shades of Grey was invoked to justify and excuse his actions…that’s when the GRRRRR feeling got out of control.  Continue reading “Don’t Create a False Equivalency between the Donald Trump Video & Fifty Shades of Grey”

A Weekend Full of Good Things

Hi friends? What are you up to this holiday weekend? I’m taking advantage of the long weekend to visit my mom and see the new town where she lives. As much as I love New York City, I always love when I get a break from the noise and craziness. It’s nice to spend time with family and relax. This morning when I woke up, I got into bed with my mom like I did growing up and we talked for an out. Later, mom made me cheesy eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast. and I spent the rest of the morning watching the Kardashians and working on my grading/student feedback. I’m grateful for this time.

As per usual, I packed a lot of books for the long weekend. I brought Futhermore by Tahereh Mafi, Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo, and Shut Out by Kody Keplinger. In these weird personal & political times, I’m enjoying my retreat into the worlds of other people’s books and my own. Crossing my fingers for a productive writing and reading weekend, along with good family time.

Top Ten Jane Austen Villains


It’s villain week on Top Ten Tuesday. Even though there are some more obvious book villains, my first thought was of the antagonists in my favorite Jane Austen novels. Some I hate. Some I love to hate. Here are my top ten Jane Austen villains:

  1. Mr. Wickham from Pride and Prejudice 
  2. Caroline Bingley from Pride and Prejudice 
  3. Lady Catherine de Bourgh from Pride and Prejudice 
  4. Lucy Steele from Sense and Sensibility 
  5. Mr. Willoughby from Sense and Sensibility 
  6. Mrs. Norris from Mansfield Park 
  7. The Crawford siblings from Mansfield Park 
  8. Mr. and Mrs. Elton from Emma 
  9. The Thorpe siblings from Northanger Abbey 
  10. William Elliot from Persuasion 

Thank to The Broke and the Bookish for hosting this weekly book meme!