Take My Blog Changes Survey for the Chance to Win an Amazon Gift Card


Hello readers! It is still amazing to me that I can use the word readers plural and that more people than just my mom visit the blog. All I can say is thank you. Earlier this week through top ten tuesday I was asked to make 10 blogging confessions, it really got me started thinking about what’s working on the blog, what isn’t working, and what changes I might need to make once I go to New York. I love love love everything I do here, but realistically 5 posts a week takes up a lot of time and fitting that in with school/work/moving to a new city seems like I might be setting myself up to get burned out. I also know I’m doing certain things, like posting on Sundays, that aren’t working. Continue reading “Take My Blog Changes Survey for the Chance to Win an Amazon Gift Card”

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being a Book Blogger


Time for some self reflection courtesy of Tope Ten Tuesday, a weekly book meme run by The Broke and the Bookish. Without further ado here’s what I came up with:

  1. Connecting with other readers and writers.
  2. Giving myself motivation to read more books.
  3. Occasionally getting books for free or receiving ARC copies.
  4. Getting to play marry, date or dump, even though I’m not in high school anymore.
  5. Being followed by Meg Cabot on Twitter (this happened over the weekend and let me tell you I am disproportionately excited by it).
  6. The opportunity to read young adult books critically.
  7. Understanding the genre/category I want to write more.
  8. Finding out about other book blogs that I love to read almost daily now. I’m looking at you Crossed Pages, Lights All Around, L. Marie, and The Bookshelf (among others).
  9. The pretty pictures I get to take of my bookshelf for the header images of the blog.
  10. (Hopefully) improving my writing by posting several times a week. Since graduating from college one of the things I missed most was writing weekly editorials for the school paper, I’m glad to have that outlet again.

Bloggers, what are your favorite aspects of blogging? Readers, why do you read book blogs? Is there something I could be doing better?

The 7 Week Itch: Creating Your Platform

ImageI feel like this is a fairly predictable and therefore unimaginative subject, butI have something to admit, that probably isn’t that surprising. I’m not just blogging because I like books, and I like writing, and I like Alee, and I like etc. The blog was actually born, in my mind, out of more mundane, perhaps crafty, purposes. A mixture of wanting to learn wordpress for work and feeling the need to create a “platform” so that I can brand myself and some day be a super successful writer and not have to worry about amassing skills to put on the fifth line of my resume. I put “platform” in quotation because what did this mean to me besides a piece of jargon that gets thrown around blogs like this one. Did I expect to stand on the blog for success, not depend on my ideas, hard work, and writing skills? Do I still?

It was this desire, along with the fact that I like books, and I like writing , and I like Alee, that precipitated my initial conversations with Alee that lead to this blog. We had a period of planning. Then we started. And it has been more fun, and easier to fit into my schedule, then I could have imagined.

But 7 weeks in the doubts began to whisper in my ear: Am I creating my platform? Am I writing with a purpose or using this a diary? The answer in this post is unfortunately clear to me. It was these doubts, just whispers not declarative statements, that attracted me to Jane Friedman‘s webinar from Writer’s Digest Tutorials on building an author platform through blogging. Some things she said made me feel better. A lot of things made me feel worse. Mostly, I decided to see where this takes me and try and figure it out once we’ve put more time into. I thought I’d share some, not all because everyone should watch it themselves, of the things that she said that stand out in my memory.

  • It’s important to find a clear focus or a niche and not stray from it. Set yourself up as an expert.
  • It generally takes 6 to 12 months to figure out what that focus should be. (Whew!)
  • Don’t blog about your writing process or publishing. Instead review books, interview authors, write about subject matter that relates to your book. Provide your audience with curated content, links, books, ideas that it would have taken them longer to find on their own.
  • Make all posts about the benefit to the reader. Include numbers. Write how-to’s. Don’t use your blog as a diary. (oops!) Include regular series.
  • Agents want at least 10,000 unique monthly viewers before they look at your blog as a significant asset.
  • You must be entertaining or informative. Both is even better.

So many more things were covered in the webinar, which you can purchase here. I know it’s $$$ so another great resource is this article on their website today. As for my doubts, I think I will take Jane’s advice and wait to see how this project evolves over the year before worrying about brands and platforms and etc.