Marry, Date or Dump: The Grisha Trilogy

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I know I’m a little bit behind on these books, but over the weekend I finally finished Ruin and Rising the third and final book in The Grisha Trilogy, by Leigh Bardugo. I had no idea how I wanted the story to end or who I wanted Alina to end up with … but the way Leigh wrapped everything together took my breath away. Still, now I’m left wondering who you would marry, who you’d date, and who you’d dump when it comes to the men in the series. I’m sticking to the three potential suitors for Alina, but if you want to sub in secondary characters be my guest!  Continue reading “Marry, Date or Dump: The Grisha Trilogy”

Book Review: Mechanica, by Betsy Cornwell

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*** I originally posted this in April, but since the book came out this week wanted readers who might have missed it to get pumped for this fantastic, feminist Cinderella retelling … also I’m still on vacation and didn’t want to write a new review. Hope you enjoy!***

As some readers (especially those that knew me when I was ten) know, Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levine, is pretty much the most important book I ever read. It totally converted me from from being a kid who could barely read, and absolutely hated it, to someone who LOVED books (not just with a capital L, but with capital O, V, E, and D as well). It solidified my interest in fairytale retellings, especially ones focused on Cinderella. So as you can imagine, when I found out my friend Betsy Cornwell’s Cinderella retelling Mechanica was coming out this year, I was beyond excited. And even though it can’t take the place of Ella in my heart, it is now definitely my second favorite Cinderella story … and I’ve read a lot a lot of them. Here’s why (and it’s not because Betsy is so nice and funny and blogs about important things like writing and PTSD, being a friend to yourself, and making goat cheese): Continue reading “Book Review: Mechanica, by Betsy Cornwell”

Marry, Date or Dump: Gansey, Adam & Ronan from RAVEN BOYS, by Maggie Stiefvater


For a few years people (including a lot of readers here) have been telling me I need to read The Raven Cycle series, by Maggie Stiefvater. I finally listened last week and am so mad it took me so long to follow everyone’s advice. I’ve only read The Raven Boys (so don’t spoil what happens next in the series please!!!) but I couldn’t wait to do a marry, date, or dump with these characters. Seriously, reading this book felt like the first stages of having a crush on someone new and I think I have a little bit of a crush on each other the characters … which might make my choices difficult. But I’m excited to see who you’d marry, who you’d date, and who’d you dump when it comes to the raven boys.  Continue reading “Marry, Date or Dump: Gansey, Adam & Ronan from RAVEN BOYS, by Maggie Stiefvater”

P.S. I Still Love You, by Jenny Han

20698530There have been a few books that have totally clicked with me in the past 2-3 years. Books that I’ve read and reread and reread again, and also books that have really directed the kind of stories I want to be writing. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, by Jenny Han, (which I completely fangirl all over in this review) was one of those books for me. It’s one that, both as a reader and as a writer, I keep coming back to. So you can imagine my asdfghjkl!!!! levels of excitement when I finally got P.S. I Still Love You in my hands on Tuesday. So excited that I read the book in one sitting, laughing, swooning, and even sobbing at one point as I worked my way through the rest of Lara Jean’s love letter journey. ***Before I continue, I just want to point out that while I won’t have any spoilers for this book, as a sequel it’s impossible to discuss it without spoiling some things about its predecessor, so proceed with caution*** Continue reading “P.S. I Still Love You, by Jenny Han”

Book Review: My Best Everything, by Sarah Tomp

20783745My Best Everything, by Sarah Tomp was released this week. It was an emotional, enjoyable, and unique YA contemporary book about fighting for what you want, falling in love for the first time, and moonshine. I was lucky enough to read an ARC of the novel last weekend and wanted to share my thoughts and impressions with you.

Lulu hasn’t just dreamed of leaving her over-bearing mother, junkyard job, and small Virginia town behind after graduating from high school. She’s worked hard for the future she wants and the one her father’s promised her. And when (early in the novel) her father loses her college tuition money, she doesn’t give up. She develops a new, and illegal, plan to make and sell moonshine to earn the money herself. Continue reading “Book Review: My Best Everything, by Sarah Tomp”

Burn, Read, Rewrite: TFiOS, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, & The Book Thief

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We’ve definitely done some hard rounds of this game, but none has been as hard for me as choosing between these wildly popular and incredibly good YA novels. Seriously, even as I’m typing, I’m still changing my mind on what my choices are going to be. To play along you say in the comments which book you would read (your favorite), rewrite (second favorite/one that you might want to change something about), and burn (least favorite). As always, I love to hear people’s different reasonings and rationale for their choices.  Continue reading “Burn, Read, Rewrite: TFiOS, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, & The Book Thief”

Book Review: Kissing Ted Callahan (and Other Guys), by Amy Spalding

18333999Happy Valentines Day readers! Does anyone have fun plans for the day? I’m a big fan of this holiday so I thought I’d let you all know about one of the best YA contemporary romance I’ve read in a long time. This one won’t be released until April, but I definitely suggest your give yourself a Valentines treat and preorder this one or at least put it on your to-read list on goodreads. Here’s why.

The first reason is concept. The story follows bandmates Riley and Reid, two friends with zero experience but a whole lot of anxiety when it comes to romance. When they see their two bandmates in an … um… compromising position, they decide to make a pact help each other gain experience with the opposite sex. By sharing tips and observations both of their love lives begin to improve. In particular, Riley starts getting the attention of her long time crush, Ted Callahan. Continue reading “Book Review: Kissing Ted Callahan (and Other Guys), by Amy Spalding”

Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To


The more I read the more books I add to my to-read list. Here are the top ten releases from 2014 that I really really meant to read, but haven’t found time for yet. I’d love to hear your opinions of these books and/or what 2014 books you are hoping to read soon in the comments! Continue reading “Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To”

Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels for 2015


It’s the first Tuesday of 2015 and I’m excited to share some of the debut novels coming out this year that I’m most excited about. A few are books I have personal connections to. One of them I even read in an earlier form when I was an intern at a publishing house. The others just look super fun to read! One of my goals this year is to read more debuts so please let me know what debuts you are excited for in the comments. Here’s to a great reading year everyone! Continue reading “Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels for 2015”